Turn Helplessness into Hope!

10 FREE Actions you can take to stop the genocide

Are you feeling powerless on the Genocide in Gaza? Feeling Helpless? Think you have no power to stop the killing and starvation of children? You are not alone, collectively we have much more power than we know.

1. Join a protest or a rally in your city community

Gaza Protest in Luxembourg

Taking part in Marches, rallies, and vigils are a powerful way to publicly demonstrate solidarity with Gaza and force the elected representatives to  be pressured into action

In Luxembourg, check latest event details here.

and for other cities here .

On Instagram follow for the latest events Wassermeloun, Jewishcallfor peace, CPJPO,

2. Ask the government to stop complicity in Genocide

Luc Frieden and Xavier Bettel together

Luxembourg continues to support Israel in the face of a genocide.  On 15/05 a motion to recognize the Palestinian State supported by LSAP, dei Greng and dei Lenk was voted down by the CSV/DP coalition government. See the list of candidates who voted NO.

Ask your candidates to stand with Palestine by sending this email to them.

Xavier Bettel of DP has also refused to call Israel's attack on Gaza a genocide and Prime Minister Luc Frieden of CSV has not been supportive.

3. Shop Ethically in Luxembourg - Boycott illegal settlement Products

App to boycott Israeli products

A. Use the No Thanks mobile app to scan QR codes or the Boycat app and avoid products from illegal settlements by Israel. Write to your local supermarkets to stop stocking these products (serviceclients@delhaize.be and Auchan https://www.auchan.lu/fr/contact).   Check the list of products to avoid in Luxembourg.

B. Use the Palestinian Pact chrome extension to know which products to buy online via websites like Amazon.

Follow BDSLuxembourg

Read more about our Boycott actions

4. Sign a Petition

  • Request politicians to act now, sign here

6. Educate yourself

Stop Arming Israel image


Educate yourself about how companies in Luxembourg are profiting from the Genocide in Gaza.


7. Amplify and share on social media .

Social media icons

Palestinians are bravely sharing real-time footage from Gaza, where media access is restricted. Let's amplify their voices and show the truth from the ground

Here are some genuine people from Gaza who need your attention

Here are suggestions for people to follow. 

Deepen your knowledge and stand ready to counter Zionist Propaganda.

Download this list of accurate facts to counter pro genocide arguments online or in real life

8. Write to media outlets In Luxembourg

Luxembourg headlines

Luxembourg media has  been biased in their coverage of Gaza. Write to your editors in chiefs and share your concern and ask for more unbiased coverage . Here is a useful guide on writing a Letter to the editor (LTE).

Refer to this list of contacts of Media outlets in Luxembourg

9. Show your neighbors and friends that you care.

Palestine flag in a car

Put your Palestine flag outside of your window or balcony, take a picture of your flag and post it on the facebook page of Hope from your window | Facebook

There are many ways you can help organizing individual display of solidarity like this one

Buy supporting merchandise here

Contact Luxembourg4Palestine to buy Keffiyeh and other supporting merchandise

10. Organize/Volunteer a fundraiser in your community

Event for Palestine in Luxembourg

Organizing a fundraiser for Palestine can be a meaningful way to support humanitarian efforts and raise awareness about the challenges faced by Palestinians. You can organise a charity dinner, a concert, an online crowdfunding campaign, a sports tournament, or a bake sale.

Have an Idea for a fundraiser. let us know

Want to join us and volunteer your skills let us know 

Save the date for the next event 29th June..

Never stop talking about Palestine